Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Water is a precious resource, as Discover News is aware. They now report that deserts have additional options for gathering water. A dutch inventor has a box to pull moisture from morning fogs, the rare rain, and occasional humidity condensed. A tree planted in the box in the middle of the Saraha desert survives 90% of the time, but a tree planted in the same place with no box survives only 10% of the time.
Apparently, this was inspired by a Peruvian practice of using a net to absorb water from morning fog. The net would absorb water from the fog, and drip it down during the day, thereby bringing water to environments that were normally quite dry.
I'd like to see this used to modify climates. Trees in the desert would provide shade and comfort to those who live there. And some climatologists think that enough trees could actually tip over the balance of climate and bring rain. (And others think that rain is a matter of wind and evaporation and the first bunch is a bunch of whack-jobs.)
The box is designed to provide an initial sealed environment, and ultimately gets pushed out of the ground, where it can be taken away to be reused. By the time the tree is strong enough to do this, it's typically reached down to the water line, and is no longer dependent on surface sources for water.

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